January 16, 2010

I love Texas and Texans

Texans "Get It" they understand about Republics and personal accountability and responsibility.
The story below also illustrates why less guns might not be the answer, indeed maybe more guns in the hands of law abiding citizens might be the cure for some of the bad things that go on in this world.

From Azle News, Azle, TX via American Rifleman magazine Aug '09.

That's right he Drew. His. Gun. And Shot. Out. The. Crook's. Front. Tire. As. He. Was. Being. Run. Down. Then, not satisfied with merely performing some damn fine shootin under pressure, he Pursues. Them. Until. The. Police. Arrived.

I bet this guy has a poster of the 'Nuge on his wall.

Now if that don't make you love Texas and Texans then you are reading the wrong blog, I tell ya what.

via iPhone
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