But because of the stuff Joel is posting I thought, hey , what the heck. This is all stuff I have been keeping tabs on over the years. It is somewhat stretching me out of my usual KOOKy comfort zone in a true X-files type, Jerry Fletcher realm.. but after you have started to unplug from the Matrix and are already down the rabbit hole, you might as well just see what else is down there. I am not saying that these things are necessarily nefarious, or that a NWO or TEOLAWKI is imminent; all I am saying is that these are definitely real things talked about by real people, in at least semi-official ways.
You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your bed and you believe whatever you want to believe.You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America
(SPP) is a region-level dialogue with the stated purpose of providing greater cooperation on security and economic issues. The Partnership was founded in Waco, Texas on March 23, 2005 by Paul Martin, Prime Minister of Canada, Vicente Fox, President of Mexico, and George W. Bush, President of the United States. It is the second of such regional-level agreements involving the United States of America following the 1997 Partnership for Prosperity and Security in the Caribbean (PPS).
These working groups are tasked with implementing the SPP as initiated by the North American Heads of Government on March 23, 2005. They consult with stakeholders; set specific, measurable, and achievable goals and implementation dates; and issue semi-annual progress reports. A 24-month agenda is established to serve as a timeline milestone to have the initial framework fully developed.
The stated goals of the SPP are cooperation and information sharing, improving productivity, reducing the costs of trade, enhancing the joint stewardship of the environment, facilitating agricultural trade while creating a safer and more reliable food supply, and protecting people from disease.
It is intended to assist, rather than replace, existing bilateral and trilateral institutions like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and claims to work towards the three North American countries working cooperatively in the face of common risks and economic competition from low cost comulti-modal transportation system along the International Mid-Continent Trade and Transportation Corridor to improve both the trade competitiveness and quality of life in North America.
Okay…sounds sorta so-so creepy right? Ok…
The North American Competitiveness Council (NACC) is an official tri-national working group of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP). It was created at the second summit of the SPP in Cancún, Quintana Roo, Mexico, in March 2006. The SPP is an agreement between the leaders of the United States, Canada and Mexico to work towards a more integrated North American economy and security region. Composed of 30 corporate representatives from some of North America's largest companies, the North American Competitiveness Council has been mandated to set priorities for the SPP and to act as a stable driver of the integration process through changes in government in all three countries.
While the NACC was officially born on March 31, 2006 at the second annual summit of the SPP of North America, its seeds were planted three months earlier. On January 10 and 11, 2006, United Parcel Service, the Council of the Americas and the North American Business Committee convened a "public/private sector dialogue on the SPP" in Louisville, Kentucky, United States. The meeting was attended by 50 government officials and business leaders from Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, including officials from the Canadian Privy Council Office, the Mexican Presidency, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and corporate reps from ExxonMobil, DaimlerChrysler, Ford, Tyco, and FedEx.
Okay…weirder..right? What is this Council of the Americas?
Founded in 1965 by David Rockefeller and a group of like-minded business people, it is the US section of the "North American Business Committee" founded in 1948. Since that time, membership has grown to over two-hundred corporations, including some of the largest US blue-chip companies (see below), which the Council claims represents the majority of those US corporations that have private investments in Latin America.
The Council regularly hosts presidents, cabinet ministers, central bankers, government officials, and leading experts from across the Americas in economics, politics, business, and finance. This practice affords it unique access to information and insights into the evolution of the entire region.
The Council has also campaigned for Trade Promotion Authority, usually referred to as "fast track", which gives the president of the US authority to negotiate trade agreements that cannot be amended by Congress, and are voted on as only 'yes' or 'no'. In effect from 1975 to 1994 – during which time it resulted in NAFTA – it was restored in 2002 by the US Trade Promotion Authority Act.
Notable corporate members
Huh…some of the same players Joel has been posting on, but hey, to be fair they are all the largest companies, and those lists are going to stay pretty consistent right? And they are just TALKING about this stuff right, pie in the sky thinking? Hmmm
The Trans-Texas Corridor (TTC) is a transportation network in the planning and early construction stages in the U.S. state of Texas. The network, as originally envisioned, would be composed of a 4,000-mile (6,400 km) network of supercorridors up to 1,200 feet (370 m) wide to carry parallel links of tollways, rails, and utility lines.It is intended to route long-distance traffic around population centers, and to provide stable corridors for future infrastructure improvements – such as new power lines from wind farms in West Texas to the cities in the east – without the otherwise often lengthy administrative and legal procedures required to build on privately owned land. The tollway portion would be divided into two separate elements: truck lanes and lanes for passenger vehicles. Similarly, the rail lines in the corridor would be divided among freight, commuter, and high-speed rail. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) intends to "charge public and private concerns for utility, commodity or data transmission" within the corridor,[2] in essence making a toll road for services such as water, electricity, natural gas, petroleum, fiber optic lines, and other telecommunications services. The network will be funded by private investors and built and expanded as demand warrants.
In 2009, TxDOT decided to phase out the all-in-one corridor concept in favor of developing separate rights-of-way for road, rail, and other infrastructure using more traditional corridor widths for those modes.
I have family down there, phase out my A$$, they may have put it on hold, but the land is bought…
One component of the TTC will stretch from new and expanded ports on the Pacific coast of Mexico all the way up to the Great Lakes. Proponents of the TTC intend on drawing shipping traffic away from U.S. ports in California (Los Angeles and Long Beach) and direct that traffic to Mexican seaports
But they are just talking about Texas right?
The North American SuperCorridor Coalition (NAASCO) is a non-profit organization that seeks to develop an international multi-modal transportation system (huh…wasn’t that one of the stated goals of the SPP?) along the International Mid-Continent Trade Corridor, which it claims will improve trade competitiveness and quality of life in North America. NASCO's scope encompasses Interstate highways I-35, I-29, and I-94 and the significant east/west connectors to those highways in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The public has referred to I-35 as the "NAFTA superhighway". NASCO now includes the former North American International Trade Corridor Partnership, a nonprofit organization in Mexico. Membership includes public and private sector entities along the corridor in all three participating countries, including the Texas Department of Transportation, who is building the Trans-Texas Corridor. http://www.nascocorridor.com/
Still not seeing the connections?
The Independent Task Force on the Future of North America …
advocates a greater economic and social integration between Canada, Mexico, and the United States as a region. It is a group of prominent business, political and academic leaders from the U.S., Canada and Mexico organized and sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations (U.S.), the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, and the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations. It was co-chaired by former Canadian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, John Manley, former Finance Minister of Mexico, Pedro Aspe, and former Governor of Massachusetts and Assistant U.S. Attorney General William F. Weld.
It was launched in October 2004 and published Task Force Report #53 entitled, Building a North American Community (May 2005). As well as it accompanying Chairmen’s Statement, Creating a North American Community (March 2005).A press release called Trinational Call for a North American Economic and Security Community by 2010 preceded the publications on March 14, 2005.
The final report proposed increased international cooperation between the nations of Canada, the United States, and Mexico, similar in some respects to that of the European Community that preceded the European Union. As this report states, "The Task Force's central recommendation is establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security community, the boundaries of which would be defined by a common external tariff and an outer security perimeter."
Lastly I have mentioned this on the blog before…
The idea for a North American currency union was first proposed in 1999 by Canadian economist Herbert G. Grubel, a senior fellow of the conservative Fraser Institute think-tank, he published a book titled The Case for the Amero in September 1999,the year that the euro became a virtual currency. Another Canadian think-tank, the C.D. Howe Institute, advocates the creation of a shared currency between Canada and the United States.
Dr. Robert Pastor, (where was his name before?) in a 2001 book, suggested a common currency should be a foundation of "macro economic cooperation" among the three NAFTA countries. However, the 2005 Independent Task Force on North America, which he chaired, did not recommend a common currency, nor does Pastor in the section for additional and dissenting views suggest a common currency should be a goal.
OHHH I know … too weird…well get a load of this:
The Bancor was a World Currency Unit that was proposed by John Maynard Keynes, (of Keynesian Economics fame; AKA the Democrat Party Fiscal Policy Bible) as leader of the British delegation and chairman of the World Bank commission, in the negotiations that established the Bretton Woods system, but was never implemented.
It was to be initially fixed in terms of 30 commodities, of which one would be gold. It would stabilize the average prices of commodities, and with them the international medium of exchange and a store of value. Central to Keynes' proposal was to tax countries' current account surpluses, encouraging domestic demand and promoting global trade balance
But Wait, in NewGen’s post I reposted the other day Nameless Cynic said that nothing of the sort was going to happen…he said,
“Memo to Michelle Bachmann: Special drawing rights are not a new currency. We won't be buying our groceries with them.”
I believe he based this belief on what Timmah the Tax Cheat Geithner (and who wouldn’t trust that guy for factual information?) said:
"I haven’t read the governor’s proposal. He’s a very thoughtful, very careful distinguished central banker. I generally find him sensible on every issue," Geithner said, saying that however his interpretation of the proposal was to increase the use of International Monetary Fund's special drawing rights -- shares in the body held by its members -- not creating a new currency in the literal sense.
"We’re actually quite open to that suggestion – you should see it as rather evolutionary rather building on the current architecture rather than moving us to global monetary union," he said.
"The only thing concrete I saw was expanding the use of the [special drawing rights]," Geithner said. "Anything he’s thinking about deserves some consideration."
The continued use of the dollar as a reserve currency, he added, "depends..on how effective we are in the United States...at getting our fiscal system back to the point where people judge it as sustainable over time."
Memo to Michelle Bachmann: Special drawing rights are not a new currency. We won't be buying our groceries with them.
But this was in the news prior to the G8 Summit:
ROME – China, Russia and Brazil will use this week's G8 summit in Italy to push their view that the world needs to think about a new global reserve currency as an alternative to the dollar, officials said on Tuesday.
As leaders of the Group of Eight rich nations and the major developing powers traveled to Italy for a three-day summit starting on Wednesday, it seemed unlikely the currency debate would get a specific mention in summit documents.
But both G8 member Russia and emerging power Brazil -- which like China and India is a member of the "G5" that joins the second day of the summit on Thursday -- echoed China's calls for the currency debate to be taken up by world leaders.
Top Kremlin economic aide Arkady Dvorkovich said China and Russia would "state their stance that the global currency system needs smooth evolutionary development."
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva said he was keen to explore "the possibility of new trade relations not dependent on the dollar" and India has also said it is open to the debate.
So anyway I know this post is hugely long, but I wanted to do it in one shot. What I was not able to get in this post without making is Super Ridiculous Long is that the IMF, the World Bank, and Chase are all in cahoots up to their ears with David Rockefeller. All these groups have the same mixture of Companies and individuals as members to one varying degree or another, but they break up their tasks into different groups to obfuscate the total picture.
Oh and by the way to all you Nameless Cynics out there, you are absolutely right, NO ONE is thinking about doing all of this stuff… None of it is even in the realm of possibility. No one wants to do anything of the sort, we made it all up. And if you believe THAT…any of ya’ll wanna buy a bridge? I can make you a good deal on it.