…Denzel Washington.
- He is an actor, not unlike our current president; in fact, he is probably a far better actor and could probably actually memorize his lines and not need a teleprompter.
- He is undeniably a Minority, in fact no one can doubt his “authenticity” or “blackness” .
- Women seem to think he is hot, like our current president.
- We KNOW where he was born…
- He is ALREADY a big celebrity, which is apparently what it really takes to be President now
- and…like our president, we now nothing about his political views
- He has actually been employed in the private sector a large portion of his life
- Instant…Name…Recognition
- His accountant’s probably know how to to their taxes
- And the Number One Reason that we should run Denzel….Anyone has to be better than this idiot.
We should get the best candidate money can buy… and just hire a professional actor…