So I will be providing the sound for the upcoming Rally this Saturday at Riverside Park from 2-4 in Miami. Which totally rocks because I get to be a Bitter Clinger Right Wing Nut Job™ and I also get to do something else I enjoy doing.
So come Join us. Because although we are mad as hell, I also expect we will have some fun. What? We can’t protest and express our views and not have fun too?
Even though it is a political rally/protest I expect to come away with a sense of camaraderie and fellowship. Contrary to what you may have heard, we BCRWNJ’s, unlike those self righteous arrogant Liberal Progressive Left Wing Loons ™ can express our displeasure and irritation at Washington and still have a sense of humor. We don’t yell hateful epithets at people, we don’t crash other people’s parties, We don’t go around tearing stuff up and we don’t become an unruly rude mob. We are not Sheeple™
We are independent, responsible, self reliant, fun loving, courteous, polite, BCRWNJ’s, despite what the LPLWL’s or the Gesta…er…I mean Dept. of Homeland Security says about us.
Learn more on their website
Join Us. You are not alone. We Surround Them. Read. Learn Question. THINK.