IF Michael Steele was worth (get ready for it…hillbilly terms coming) A Tinker’s Damn he would be ousting these sad sack RINOs before LCR or any of us had the chance to be so Freaking PO’d we cannot even see straight. I have avoided speaking about this because I could not say anything all weekend long that was not absolutely unfit for a Christian audience. These worthless pieces of excrement are the lowest form of scum in Washington. DEMOCRATS voted against this crap. How is it that not ONE Republican voted for the stimulus and these A-holes voted for this, the BIGGEST TAX INCREAE IN THE HISTORY OF OUR NATION?
I read a lot of books and one of the series of fantasy books I read has a character who every night says her prayers and her prayers consist of all the people she aims to have her revenge on when she re-claims her birthright. These 8 bloodsucking weasel grabastic pieces of garbage need to be on every one of our lips in complete remembrance until they are run out of Washington Tar and Feathered and on a Rail.
ok…I feel better..no I don’t…but a big Hat tip to LCR for being able to think rationally enough to put together this great post.
The Turncoat 8 - The Enablers of Cap and Tax, Put Your Activist Caps On!
Chris Smith, New Jersey (202) 225-3765
Avidly anti abortion, voted in office in the early 1980s. Liberal to moderate on economic issues. Has voted consistently with Democrats since the House regained Democrat control on economic issues. I see here that he won reelection in 2008 66% to his Dem opponent 39%. 27 out of ten rating at Club for Growth. Up for reelection in 2010. Put on your activist caps, call his office, stop his reelection. Has strong Union voting record, NAACP, AFL-CIO, ACLU, Teamsters, here. Apparently very liberal, why the 'R'? Smoke him out. Great article here on why he is not remotely a free-market guy. Voting for the biggest tax increase in history, without reading the bill is not 'moderate', make this known. Make him feel the sting of unemployment like the rest of the country will from this nightmare bill. In the middle of a massive recession....
Dave Reichert, Washington (202) 225-7761
56 out of 100 at American Conservative Union here. Also affiliated with the AFL-CIO, Teamsters, ACLU, etc here. Won GOP nomination with 45% primary vote in 2004, won reelection in 2008 51% to 48%. Facing reelection in 2010, burn the phone lines. Make him go away. I'm reading that he is considered a 'moderate'. Again, voting for the biggest tax increase ever and not reading the bill is not moderate. It is Statist. Bye-bye.Mary Bono Mack (CA) (202) 225-5330
In 2008 she was elected with 58% against her Dem rival. She assumed office in 1998 when Sonny Bono died. Married to staunch economic conservative Rep Connie Mack IV. I would hate to hear the dinner-table arguments between these two after her vote. Connie Mack voted nay. 74 rating from ACU here Ties to liberal groups too here. She was, at one point on the fence with Cap and Tax, all of her lines were busy yesterday. Which one of the Chicago thugs twisted her arm for a Yea vote? Axelrod? Emmanuel? Vote her out, call her office, bother her up to her primary. Let her go home and stay there in 2010.
Mike Castle, Deleware (202) 225-4165
Very liberal, had requested and received $82 million in pork in 2008 alone. I wonder where the bridge will be built in Delaware to reward his yes vote? 28 of 100 at the ACU. Bye-bye RINO. Call his office, call it every day. Tell them that it is not responsible to mortgage our future. It is certainly not Republican. Or is it? You make it happen. Attorney and politician. Send him back to his day job, his antics will be well received in the law community. They aren't in the GOP. Suffered two strokes during his 2006 campaign. Won over Dem rival by 23% points. Call his office above. Shock and awe. Inundate. He's fired in 2010.Mark Kirk, Illinois (202)225-4385
Running for Senate, don't let it happen. Elected in 2001. Served in the Clinton Administration. Career pol and attorney. See a trend? Defeated Dem rival in 2008 by 8% points. 48 out of 100 at ACU. Porky $67 million for 2008. This is a big one folks. Running possibly for the Senate seat 2010 in Illinois. I don't think so. Hit his office daily. Pester, persecute (civically), bombard - shock and awe.
John McHugh, New York (202) 225-4611
Insurance Broker, government worker. Shocker. Voted for Stimulus, Bailouts, etc. Nominated for Army Secretary, if confirmed will vacate his seat. Read between the lines. Coming aboard the SS Obamanation, this must have been his last 'F' 'U' to the GOP. Moot point on harassing him since he is leaving. Or is it? Burn up the lines! Wipe that smirk off your face, you are shameful to your country.Frank Lobiondo New Jersey (202) 225-6572
Who is this guy? "Hey, uh, yah....I' gonna breaka yuh kneecaps...." This guy is a republican? Wasn't he on the Sopranos? Are you kidding me? Elected in 1994, former trucking executive with small business roots. What happened? Against gay marriage, abortion, affirmative action. Part of Gingrich's Contract With America. What happened? At one point he had strong economic conservative leanings. 52 of 100 from ACU. Flush him out, he's the worst kind of pol, a turncoat that at one point was a Reagan conservative but the Washington culture has it's way with people......Melt the lines at his office, adios in 2010.
Leonard Lance, New Jersey (202) 225-5361
See the look on his face, he looks like a badly-aged Cabbage-Patch doll. Born into a political family. In 2008 he ran on a platform of fiscal conservatism, moderate social values, and environmentalism. Really? It's fiscally conservative to vote for the biggest tax increase ever and not read the bill? We'll see you at the poor-house with your constituents. Won his seat in 2008 51% to 41% but had a tougher fight in the primary. That's where he is vulnerable. I can't even find a cause for his support for the Cap and Tax bill, porky goodies perhaps? Well, he will have a short-lived congressional term. Out in 2010. Burn his office line.Update I : Thanks to Smitty at TheOtherMcCain.blogspot, he specifically put up a post for this piece. Spread the word folks, link this post, send it to as many friends/family as possible.
Left Coast Rebel: The Turncoat 8 - The Enablers of Cap and Tax, Put Your Activist Caps On!